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Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for August 18 – August 24, 2024

Love: The Tower
Mood: Judgement
Career: Ten of Coins

Keep your optimism and determination strong this week. Approaching business strategies with a methodical approach will be essential for success. Maintaining good health can be achieved through with yoga, a healthy diet, and regular exercise. Handling rough situations at home with sensitivity will be crucial for maintaining harmony. Avoiding laziness is important for maintaining good prospects for promotion. Balancing work obligations with quality time with your romantic partner may lead to an exciting relationship. Planning a getaway with your significant other to a relaxing destination can provide much-needed rejuvenation and stress relief. Prioritizing the development of additional skills is important for both students and new hires. Initiating plans for the construction or purchase of a new home can be an exciting step forward.

Love: Page of Cups
Mood: The Hermit
Career: King of Wands

Positive changes and good luck await you this week. Business owners may find this week to be profitable, potentially increasing their wealth. Practising self-control can lead to improved mental and physical health outcomes. Exciting news at home may be shared with family and friends, bringing joy to all. Romantic relationships are likely to flourish, with increased intimacy through mutual confiding. However, challenges may arise in showcasing your professional expertise, requiring additional effort to garner attention. Individuals entering the real estate industry may experience financial success. Students aspiring to study abroad may encounter obstacles along the way. Holiday destinations may be crowded and hectic, requiring patience and flexibility during travel.

Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Yellow

Love: The Empress
Mood: The Hierophant
Career: Two of Swords

Get ready for a week of positive transformations. Instead of fretting about others, redirect your energy towards personal growth and development. This week presents an opportunity to indulge your loved ones with thoughtful gifts, courtesy of your prudent financial planning. Prioritizing your well-being through regular exercise, meditation, and nutritious eating habits can enhance your overall happiness. Approaching your romantic partner with patience and openness is likely to strengthen your bond. Plan enjoyable activities to share quality time with your loved ones, such as a day trip or a cosy movie night. Before venturing into real estate investments, seek expert advice to ensure informed decision-making. Students should remain focused on realizing their academic potential and seizing opportunities. Don’t hesitate to explore that innovative idea you’ve been contemplating—it may lead to exciting new possibilities.

Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Magenta

Love: Ace of Swords
Mood: Devil
Career: Two of Coins

Expect a week filled with good events. Newcomers in the workforce should seize opportunities for career advancement whenever possible. Engaging in sports activities can promote both physical and mental well-being. Recently married individuals may find themselves expecting a new addition to the family. Interference from outsiders in family matters can disrupt the harmony at home. Seeking advice from a financial expert can help navigate through challenging financial situations. Taking a short trip with supportive companions can have a positive impact on mental well-being. You may not get the expected profit from selling a house. Putting effort into a job search may result in enticing employment offers for students.

Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Colour: Purple

Love: Seven of Wands
Mood: The World
Career: Eight of Coins
Growth opportunities may be around you this week. Your love life could reach new heights as married couples prioritize spending quality time together. A promotion on the horizon could significantly enhance your professional reputation. Seeking solace and well-being through religious or spiritual practices may bring inner peace. The support of your siblings and parents could provide a solid foundation for your endeavours this week. Keep an eye out for new opportunities for financial growth that may arise. However, your upcoming vacation plans may encounter unforeseen obstacles. Real estate transactions may not yield the anticipated profits at this time. Students should embrace unexpected challenges as opportunities for growth and continue to refine their skills.

Lucky Colour: White

Love: The Magician
Mood: King of Coins
Career: Four of Swords

This week could bring major wins and milestones. Finding happiness in the comfort of your surroundings can be fulfilling this week. Spending quality time at home with loved ones will provide a much-needed break. At work, your resilience will lead to a productive week, as you remain focused and determined. Safeguarding valuable financial assets and documents in a secure locker is advisable. Some individuals may unexpectedly find romantic connections, potentially meeting their soulmate. Be mindful of dietary choices, as excessive consumption of processed foods can disrupt digestive health over time. Adventure seekers should adequately prepare for an enjoyable and memorable trip. Thoroughly reviewing property documents will be crucial to avoid potential issues. Negative feedback on a student’s project presents an opportunity for growth. Platonic relationships may evolve into something more serious for some.

Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Green

Love: The Tower
Mood: Ace of Wands
Career: Nine of Coins

Expect a week full of prosperity and success. Your willingness to shoulder additional responsibilities at work may pave the way for a salary increase or promotion. Maintaining a positive mindset could positively impact your overall well-being. Newly married couples may cherish intimate moments together during a special vacation. However, it’s wise to exercise financial caution and avoid unnecessary expenses to maintain financial stability. Communication issues at home may gradually diminish, leading to a more harmonious environment. Planning an extravagant family vacation to a distant location may strain both finances and energy levels. It might be advisable to refrain from property transactions this week, as potential losses indicated. Students with ample energy reserves may find themselves able to tackle their academic tasks with ease.

Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Golden

Love: The Hermit
Mood: Devil
Career: The Fool

Success is in the spotlight this week. Government employees stand a high chance of experiencing success and promotion opportunities this week. Expect your household to be bustling with activity, particularly as your children plan a surprise for you. Pay attention to any physical discomfort, as it could be a signal to prioritize your health and well-being. Engaging in networking activities could open up avenues for expanding your business ventures. Strengthen the bond in your romantic relationship by demonstrating care and concern for each other’s welfare. Be prepared to adjust your travel plans if unfavourable weather conditions are predicted. Enlisting the services of a proficient real estate agent can maximize returns when dealing with property transactions. College students can achieve significant milestones through dedication and hard work in their academic pursuits.

Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Dark Blue

Love: Seven of Wands
Mood: Two of Coins
Career: The Tower

Look forward to a week of happiness and contentment. With a stable income, you can swiftly achieve some financial goals this week. Maintaining a healthy immune system will help you ward off allergies and maintain overall well-being. Creating a tranquil atmosphere at home can bring inner peace and relaxation. Be cautious of any confrontational behaviour from your partner, as it may lead to relationship issues. Fulfilling professional obligations may present challenges, testing your skills and resilience. For some, embarking on a trip abroad could be both financially rewarding and stress-relieving. Your quest for the perfect home in a desirable neighbourhood may soon come to fruition. Students who adhere to their study schedules will be better prepared for exams.

Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Silver

Love: Two of Cups
Mood: The Fool
Career: The Magician

Your efforts will yield great results this week. Your prospects in the workplace are looking bright, and your efforts may soon be rewarded with a promotion. With increasing income streams, financial worries may become a thing of the past. Consistently changing up your workout routines can lead to better fitness. Don’t distance yourself from loved ones during challenging times, as their support can be invaluable. Neglecting to invest time and energy into your romantic relationship may have unfavourable consequences. Some of you may have the opportunity to embark on a much-anticipated vacation, offering a chance to unwind in nature. Expert property transactions could result in financial gains. Diligent preparation may give some students a head start in their academic pursuits.

Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Pink

Love: Three of Coins
Mood: The Moon
Career: Five of Wands

Face the week with confidence and positivity. Your home may become a bustling centre of activity, providing the perfect opportunity for quality family time. While this week could bring temporary financial success, sustained efforts will pave the way for lasting prosperity. If you’re seeking greater intimacy with your partner, consider starting fresh and nurturing your bond. Diligent efforts in your professional pursuits are likely to yield positive results and new opportunities. Prompt treatment of even minor infections is crucial to prevent their escalation on the health front. A business trip abroad presents an excellent opportunity to network with intriguing individuals. Closing a challenging real estate deal may be within reach for some. Students should prioritize fun in their daily routines, as it can enhance performance.

Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: White

Love: The Chariot
Mood: Five of Swords
Career: The Hanged Man

Embrace the chances for success this week. Starting a family business could lead to financial success. Engaging in a project offers an opportunity to demonstrate your skills on the professional front. Strengthening trust in your partner can be a cornerstone for fulfilling a romantic relationship. Domestic relationships may thrive within the home environment bringing harmony. However, neglecting your current lifestyle habits may lead to health issues if left unaddressed. Seizing the opportunity to embark on a long-awaited trip to a distant destination with loved ones can create cherished memories. Resolving disputes related to property dealings may require additional time and patience. Students may feel stretched thin this week, highlighting the importance of prioritizing tasks.

Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Dark Brown

